Gloomy First Week...
Saturday, November 19, 2005
I have a feeling that it's going to be a shitty sem. We have branched into our respective majors and some of us are no longer taking the same subjects. It has only been one week, but I'm already feeling some pressure. There was not much entertainment, nor was there any sports for me; life's all about studying, eating and sleeping.
Not that I don't enjoy the classes, in fact I love attending my EMG as well as French lectures. It's a short semester (about 8 weeks), and we've been told that our mid-term is in the third week. Which means that there's about a fortnight to go.
I realised that I've been rather quiet these days. I don't know why. It just doesn't feel like previous semesters. Maybe because I've begun to pile some pressure on myself. Or maybe it's just a matter of time before I start to loosen up. The rainy days and cold nights didn't help at all. I often find myself feeling kinda gloomy and uhm, 'serious'.
I also noticed that I don't feel 'connected' with my friends like how I used to be. Ah. Maybe it's just the Week One blues (variation of Monday blues). Not my favorite way to kick-start a brand new semester. It's gonna take a few days before I'm 'warmed up', I guess. Meanwhile... now where is that bar of chocolate I bought...
Chocolates make us happy :)
Brutalized ATM Card
Thursday, November 17, 2005
I need a new ATM card...

It broke into two today. That's what happens when you sit on your wallet too much.
Vous Parlez Francais?
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
I just had my first French lesson today. I enjoyed it alot! There were lots of laughter and giggles but it was good, I mean the lecturer was nice and the students(!!), gee there were close to about 40 students cramped into a tiny classroom! Some students had to find a chair from other rooms even.
Uhm, okay lemme just do a quick Frenchie (ahem) here:
Bonsoir! Je m'appelle Narrowband, je suis Bolehan... Comment allez-vous? Enchante!
Right, right... That's all for now ;p Wahaha..
Time Capsule, Anyone?
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Have you watched movies where you see someone burying a time capsule in some dirt, and return to dig it back out after some 10, 20 years later to retrieve its contents? Well, some of you probably have even done that yourselves. The last movie I watched that featured a time capsule was My Sassy Girl :p (The time capsule in the movie was buried for 3 years, if my memory doesn't fail me.)
I got an interesting
link from my friend
Sat. Now, you can create an "E-mail Time Capsule" for yourself. Simply compose an email message, and *"decide how long you want the capsule to be sealed for". You can "bury" the time capsule for up to 20 years, before it is sent back to you. This service is made possible by
Obviously, we don't know what will happen in the future. And that's precisely why the phrase "We'll do our best to make sure the message gets delivered" was used. There're lots of factors that may contribute to a failed delivery. Let's take a look at some of the possibilities.
The people at Forbes Magazine themselves said "we can't just assume that the company will be around in another 20 years, or that a database and application will be safe sitting on our servers for that long". For this reason, they got themselves two partners just in case something happens: (1) Codefix Consulting and, (2) Yahoo!. On the 30th of November, 2005, your e-mail time capsules will be sealed, and it will be saved at, Codefix Consulting, and Yahoo!.
It's a lot more complicated that you can imagine. Read more
here. Towards the end of the page, you'll see why you should provide an email address operated by a major Internet company. You may be using a different address in the future! And if I may quote, "Don't send the message to your work address if you're planning to leave in a few months". Duh~ ;)
Act quickly, no more time capsules will be accepted after November 30, 2005, which means you now have until the end of this month!
Email to the future today!
*Plagiarism prevention exercise, hence the inverted commas ;p
Karaoke Redefined
Friday, November 04, 2005
I did one of the craziest things ever done in my whole life last night. Our Telok Gong dinner was a disappointment. So to compensate that, we adjourned to Steven's Corner where some of us got stucked in some Pasar Malam jam. Eventually, we settled for a supper in Sri Petaling before heading back to Summit for some serious 'fun'.
No we didn't travel all the way there just to sing K. Heck, we didn't even know there was such a thing in Summit. There were 6 cubicles, each could barely fit 4 people inside. It has a TV set, two microphones, two chairs, and a bigass collection of songs. That's what I'm talkin' about. I didn't browse, was too busy snapping pictures. Toong held one mic, Anton held the other. Big Lim was the one holding that file. Thick, yeah. And there were two of them. Before we went in, there was a guy who sang alone in one of the other rooms, and we thought "Oh man how sad". Little did we know that it could turn out to be so fun! Four of us cramped into that lil room, closed the doors and started scccrreeeeeeaaaammmmiiinnnnnn' away to some gay tune Big Lim and Anton picked. Toong almost laughed his head off. The rest of the dudes (KC, Cheah, Mika and Jimmy) stood outside, which was a good thing because other people (strangers) wouldn't crowd around outside and check us out. I mean after all, we were screaming into the mics man. Four of us. That'd draw a considerable amount of attention, no? Yeah man. It just couldn't get any gayer, man. Awesome video which had got nothing to do with the song. Who needs Songbird KTV or RedBox Karaoke when you have one of these.. er.. What's it called, ah... "Sing a Song"? Right. It was RM1 per track. We did only one song, and fled before any chicks came.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Artiste: Nickelback Song Title: Photograph From the Album: All The Right ReasonsLook at this photographEverytime I do it makes me laughHow did our eyes get so redAnd what the hell is on Joey's headAnd this is where I grew upI think the present owner fixed it upI never knew we'd ever went withoutThe second floor is hard for sneaking outAnd this is where I went to schoolMost of the time had better things to doCriminal record says I've broke in twiceI must have done it half a dozen timesI wonder if it's too lateShould I go back and try to graduateLife's better now than it was back thenIf I was them I wouldn't let me inEvery memory of looking out the back doorI have the photo album spread out on my bedroom floorIt's hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeEvery memory of walking out the front doorI found the photo of the friend that I was looking forIt's hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeWe used to listen to the radioAnd sing along with every song we knowWe said someday we'd find out how if feelsTo sing to more than just the steering wheelKim's the first girl I kissedI was so nervous that I nearly missedShe's had a couple of kids since thenI haven't seen her since God knows whenEvery memory of looking out the back doorI have the photo album spread out on my bedroom floorIt's hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeEvery memory of walking out the front doorI found the photo of the friend that I was looking forIt's hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeI miss that townI can't believe itSo hard to stayToo hard to leave itIf I could I relive those daysI know the one thing that would never changeEvery memory of looking out the back doorI have the photo album spread out on my bedroom floorIt's hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeEvery memory of walking out the front doorI found the photo of the friend that I was looking forIt's hard to say it, time to say itGoodbye, goodbyeLook at this photographEverytime I do it makes me laughEverytime I do it makes me
Here's the MP3 (only 25 downloads permissible)