Story Tag
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Thanks to Che-cheh, I had to crack my head to come up with this one. Never before had I been tagged with anything this tough! ;P

I have to write an entry of between 100-200 words, with these words have to be included once, and only once:

1. I
2. me
3. blowjob
4. grapes
5. random
6. power
7. loneliness
8. water
9. robot
10. blue

Undercover Journalism
Amy groped Andy's butt, then winked. He was stunned. She was eating grapes, and inserted one into her mouth in the most alluring manner she knew. He said "Ok, you". In a random manner, they chose Hotel Ayam for the night.

"Actually...", before Andy could continue, she began to kiss him.

"... A high-level of professionalism must be maintained...". They echoed in Andy's ears. He then mustered enough courage to ask, between gasps, "What.. uh.. brought you.. uh.. into prostitution?"

"My friends can afford cars, branded clothes just by having sex! I want too!" Andy was enlightened. Before long, the fans stopped moving.

"Not another power failure! Damn.." Amy muttered.

"How about loneliness? Doesn't it bother you?" he assumed that Amy was a lonely woman. By now, he was already stripped down to his boxers.

"Friendships and relationships have been cruel to me", she said as her hips moved back and forth like a malfunctioned robot, teasing him so badly.

Amy then offered to do a blowjob for an additional RM200. Afraid of contracting STDs, Andy was sober enough to turn her down. He drank some water, and decided to leave before officers in blue uniforms come raiding the place.

Word count: 200 (including title)
Related: Undergrads selling their bodies in KL

Now, I pass this tag to:
1) Hooiching
2) Alicia
3) Applegal
4) Skay
5) Peikz
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