Murky Water In Subang
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Holy schmoly! I think SYABAS (Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor) wanted to make its Subang residents coffee this morning!
That's more than just murky water, weh. After the initial shock, I quickly went outside and turned off the main supply, before more water is channeled to the main tank.
This is bad. This is just bad. Pic taken after main supply has been turned off - I know pic of running water is more dramatic. I'm not going out just to turn the main tap back on, siao.I wonder if residents around this area (USJ16, 17, 18, 19, 20) are also experiencing the same thing. I know the area around my old school is not affected, because someone confirmed that, and even offered me to use her bathroom, lol.