Don't Underrate This M'sian Treasure
Sunday, May 15, 2005
While most men sleep in their sarongs, I realised that quite a number of Malaysians (males) also wear this to sleep. Now how did I come to realise this? Incidentally, my friends also have this type (similar, if not same) of taylor-made pants, usually given/made by their grandmothers, just like mine. Hehe. One more item to add to your All-Things-Malaysian list (apart from Pagoda singlets)?

Call it Ah Pek-Style, I don't care. It's comfortable. I don't really know where to buy one of these in the malls. This 'exclusive' loose-fitting taylor-made pyjama was a prezzie from my grandma. I wear it to sleep, sometimes (when I prefer to wear shorts).